Established in 1948, Ackermans Pharmacy has grown into a large and successful discount pharmacy. At Ackermans Pharmacy, customers are offered a variety of products and services at competitive prices.
Our pharmacy has a staff compliment of 160 employees on a floor space of 1600sq.m. Whether behind the Dispensary, in the Clinic or at the Tills, our staff's aim is to serve customers to the best of their ability.
The Pharmacy offers the following services;
- Baby and Wellness Clinic
- Health and Beauty Clinic
- Mobility Aids & CPAP machines & equipment
- Wheelchair Hire & Oxygen Hire
- Chronic Call Centre & Blister Packing
- Loyalty Card
The Pharmacy also boasts a separate health and beauty clinic. Customers are invited to pamper themselves with a range of services that include; Laser Hair Removal, Endermology, Diet Clinic, Botox Injections, etc.
A baby and wellness clinic with two fully qualified sisters in attendance.